How to Homeschool Through a Speech Delay to Ensure Success

If your child has been diagnosed with a speech delay, you may be unsure of what to do next. Your first instinct might be to enroll them in speech therapy, but that’s not the only option available to you—in fact, it might not even be the best option. Homeschooling can offer many benefits to children with speech delays or other language difficulties, helping them to become successful learners.

Supporting a child with a speech delay

Speech delays can be frustrating for a parent and children alike. However, there are many strategies that can be helpful when it comes to supporting a child with this type of delay. The first thing to do is stay calm! There’s no need to panic if you find out that your little one has a speech delay. They should have ample opportunities for catching up with other kids their age, as long as they get adequate language input from you and the world around them.

Considerations to self-teaching through speech delay

It is vital to invest extra time in teaching children with speech delays literacy and numeracy skills, but self-teaching can be beneficial for them. You’ll also need to keep track of their progress, so that you know which areas they need help in. If you’re not sure where to start, try starting with phonics or other reading games. Your child will learn at their own pace, but don’t worry if they are struggling in certain areas. Just because they are behind now, doesn’t mean they will always be behind!

Considerations when it comes to teaching yourself

You’ll need to decide if you want to teach yourself or have someone else teach the lessons. If you don’t have experience teaching a child with a speech delay, it might be better to find someone with more experience.

Next, figure out what types of materials you’ll need for the lessons. Will you need books or workbooks? And will you want books in more than one language? Or will having just English be enough?

Much of the reading can be done by the learner with an experienced instructor’s guidance.

You also have to consider how much time will you have each day. How many days per week should you plan for schooling? Is there anything about scheduling that would make things difficult for you?

What are the options if you decide not to self-teach?

If you decide not to self-teach, there are several options available. You can send your child to a private school for kids with special needs. Some of these schools provide services tailored to the specific needs of your child.

Another option is home schooling through a local public school district. This will let you use the district curriculum, but it may take more time because you will teach multiple subjects as well as any special education courses.

A third option would be to hire an educational consultant who specializes in working with children who have delayed speech development. They can assess your child’s abilities and determine the best course of action.

Therapy Options for Speech Delay

There are three options to find a speech therapist for your child: private practitioner, public school system or online.

If you have the funds and are committed to paying out of pocket, a private practitioner may be the best option. The public school system is not always available, but it is free. Online therapy can be very convenient, but you may not get the same level of attention as with in-person sessions.

The costs must also be taken into account, as therapists charge anywhere from $45 per session to $200 per hour, depending on where they live, how many hours they offer, what kind of insurance they accept, etc. If you’re looking at more than 5-10 sessions, an individual might decide to go with a therapist who charges less. If you’re trying to stick to a budget and don’t mind sacrificing some quality time with your child, an online service might be right for you.

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